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The Culture Of iNcluSion In aDult lEarning oRganisations (CONSIDER) project is a 2-year project, that started at the end of 2020, and aims at enhancing the quality of adult training servces through cultivating a culture of inclusion in adult learning organisations at a managerial and training level.
The main objectives of the project comprise: (1) to support adult learning organisations for becoming more inclusive; (2) to facilitate the outreach and access of adult education for disadvantaged members of society; and (3) to promote inclusion and active engagement of all learners in adult education.
Within the scope of the CONSIDER project, the main outputs that will be developed include: (1) a quality framework for inclusion of adult learning organisations; (2) two assessment tools for inclusion: a self-assessment tool for managers and training institutions and a self-assessment tool for the use of trainers; and (3) two e-learning courses: one for managers of adult learning organisations for “Promoting inclusion in adult learning organisations” and other for trainers for “Inclusive adult learning methods and practices».
The consortium includes six partners, from six different countries. Coordinated by IFRTS (France), this project integrates five other partners from Greece, Italy, Germany, Slovakia and Portugal: IDEC (Greece), EUROCULTURA (Italy), VHS Cham (Germany), ASTRA (Slovakia), and INOVA+ (Portugal).
To learn more about the CONSIDER project or if you would like to know how to participate in the project activities or have access to the resources produced, you can do so by contacting Alexandros Koukovinis through the email or Cláudia Dias through the email
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