A new project addresses the issue of trainers’ competences to raise inclusion in adult learning institutions.

The personality and qualifications of a trainer, or adult educators, are crucial to the learning process: depending on the trainer’s attitudes and approaches, an adult learner can either be discouraged or motivated to keep on learning. This is especially important for disadvantaged adults.

The CONSIDER team is happy that there are more and more initiatives promoting inclusion in adult learning institutions. One of them is the project ”Educator – a pillar of social inclusion in adult education” that aims to document the competences of adult educators needed to effectively work with disadvantage adults.

The project singles out three areas of competences: specialised competences, psycho-pedagogical competences, and social and managerial competences. These should be incorporated into the all elements of the educational process: skills audit, design and implementation of trainings, validation, motivation and guidelines.

The initiative ”Educator – a pillar of social inclusion in adult education” suggests wonderful synergies with the CONSIDER project that aims to improve inclusion practices in adult learning institutions at managerial and teaching staff levels. Specifically, the Assessment Tool for trainers may help adult educators evaluate their own competences and identify further growth points.

For further details, please check: https://epale.ec.europa.eu/en/blog/map-competences-educators-disadvantaged-adults.

To learn more about the CONSIDER project or if you would like to know how to participate in the project activities or have access to the resources produced, you can do so by contacting Ana Luisa Ribeiro through the email luisa.ribeiro@inova.business or Cláudia Dias through the emailclaudia.dias@inova.business .

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