After the LTTA, Consider partners are now preparing the pilot testing of IO1, IO2, and IO3. The pilot testing of the project’s Intellectual Outputs will provide the end users with an integrated overview of the innovative outputs developed within the scope of the project and will allow to make the necessary improvements.
Specifically, partners will test in their countries (France, Germany, Portugal, Italy, Greece and Slovakia) the Quality Framework (IO1), the assessment tools both for trainers and managers (IO2) and the course both for trainers and managers (IO3).
During the pilot testing, the end users will have the opportunity to test the project’s Intellectual Outputs and to be aware of the aims and objectives of Consider project and the importance of the Inclusive Education.
To learn more about the CONSIDER project or if you would like to know how to participate in the project activities or have access to the resources produced, you can do so by contacting Ana Luisa Ribeiro through the email or Cláudia Dias through the .
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